亚洲文化 44

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        亚洲文化 44

        亚洲文化 44

        $455.00 $506.00



        Articles / 论文

        Representing the Chinese Overseas: 

        Overseas Chinese Museums in China and Southeast Asia with Special Reference to Malaysia / TAN Chee-Beng

        展现海外华人:中国与东南亚(马来西亚)的华人博物馆 / 陈志明

        Re-inscribing Tradition in Twentieth-century China: A Biographical Sketch of Pan Tianshou (1897-1971) / Mina KIM


        Let Evidence Prevail on Authority: A Research Note on Zhu Xi’s Textual Criticism in Hanwen kaoyi / QIAO Yi

        让实据压倒权威:朱熹《韩文考异》中的文本批评研究 / 乔毅

        Beyond the Narrative: Understanding Puranas / Malini MURALI

        跨越叙事:了解普兰娜 / 马琳妮 · 穆拉利

        越南阮朝科举与诗赋考试述录 / 詹杭伦

        A Study of the Imperial Examination with Poetry and Fu of the Nguyen Dynasty in Vietnam / ZHAN Hanglun


        《花花公子》、Lady Gaga、世界小姐选美、情人节事件个案 / 李美贤 

        Regulating “Erotica” and Moral Conflict in Indonesia:

        The Events of Playboy, Lady Gaga, Miss World & Valentine’s Day / MH Lee

        林连玉应和蔡寰青《书感》组诗及其中国观 / 邱克威

        A Study of the “Reflection of Thoughts” Antiphon Poetry: Lim Lian Geok, Cai Huanqing, and the “China-notion” / KHOO Kiak Uei

        期望与现实:华文教育的董事、教师与学生 / 吴龙云

        Expectatio versus Reality : The Roles of School Management Commitee Members, Teachers, and Students in Chinese Education / GOH Leng Hoon

        Fieldwork Report / 田野调查报告

        清朝官员出访南洋与马六甲永春李氏 / 林详祺

        Qing Imperial Official Visits to the South Seas and the Lee Family of Eng Choon Clan of Malacca / LING Siang Chih 

        Book Review / 书评

        Review of Queer Cultures and Mobilities: Kinship, Migration, and Middle Classes by John WEI 

        《中国酷儿文化与流动性研究:亲情、移民与中产阶级》/ 米雪 · 何